Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Vaccination Debate!

Well, the point is there is no medical intervention without risk. But immunization for most major contagious diseases is SO MUCH provably greater benefit vs. miniscule risk, compared to other interventions. Benefit hugely first for the patient - the one immunized; benefit HUGELY second, for every human being they come in contact with.

Every un-inoculated person is a plague vector, for whatever they missed their shots on. And these chumps, these poor sacrifices, these burnt offerings offered up by their parents on an altar of ignorant nay-sayage, these children - left unprotected just to prove some political point about "we don't let the government tell US" - these kids will burn. Across every vector that intersects them, fire is coming, torches are already lit - polio, measles, other preventable diseases will burn through them and every kid whose asshole, incompetent, ACTIVELY EVIL PARENTS have chosen to sacrifice THEIR CHILD to this utterly childish myth, this wish that "we good, gov't evil, always..."

These poor kids will burn. And I hope when every single one of these pandemics comes, the now childless parents will be rounded up and shot like the christian scientists they fucking are. It is god damn mother fucking murder. It is criminal negligence, and it's bad enough that under some interpretations, we let you kill your own kids - but by slacking on inoculation requirements, we let parents kill others' kids too. Breeding disease vectors, raising up your offspring for the express purpose to convey plague. "Good job!"

Opt out of that.

You won't be able to. The check's already in the mail, this won't be about opinion anymore. Within this now living adult generation, that check - more than one of them - is already, brutally, mailed. And with plenty of cold sick death in the germ bank to draw against.

You want to leave your kids un-vaccinated? Well, we apparently give you that right. Know what I say? You just did the gene pool a favor. Your kids will burn, and that was your choice.

Autism my ass. Apart from the five times repeatably-proven fact that there is no link between vaccination and autism, the plagues these vaccinations protect your kid - and every kid your kid touches - against make autism look like a birthday present.

I hope your kid fucking dies, you barbarian luddite. But in the process of conducting the disease you actively chose to give your kid, I hope that at least your dead kid doesn't take out the six next kids, too. There are a lot of kids out here who don't even have access to the medicine you haughtily spurn. And every little bit of this is not on your kid.

It's on you.


dogimo said...

Please, use discretion! If you are not a parent who has acted to prevent your child from being vaccinated from polio, smallpox, and measles (for instance), then large swathes of the above post don't apply to you.

Needless to say, if you're a parent who doesn't understand or believe in the principle of a "reproducible experiment" (as a cornerstone of the scientific method which among other things, cracked the atom, put communication satellites in space and yes, cured a disease or two didn't we?), then there really will be no point in you even trying to read the above.

Let alone respond.


(no contempt for you others, mind you! Hi there!)

dogimo said...

Huh. Upon a second reading, the above post may seem a bit fear-mongering? Strident?

Well, I sure as hell hope it's unwarranted. I hope it is overblown. I do not believe it is one bit overblown, one bit overstated. I truly fear it is not.

One thing I would correct. One thing I will take back: I hope no one's kid dies.

Unfortunately, some poor kids' parents give less of a shit than I do, on that score. And the check, for however many lives it actually cashes in as these pandemics each come due - is most definitely in the mail.

We're down to 40% inoculated, against major debilitating and fatal diseases - against diseases that could have been and used to be eradicated! - in some major high-density population areas. And the rates are dropping all over. This isn't playing around. Sick? You bet it is.

You bet it is going to be.

dogimo said...

Oh hey - by "ACTIVELY EVIL PARENTS" - I really should clarify that! Sounds like some wussywoo moral judgment. No, I don't mean evil in any spiritual or supernatural sense, I just mean "evil" as in "evils", the lesser of two evils, or similar usage. Bads, harms, like tsunami deaths and epidemics and famine, things that definitely qualify as evils in the world I hope? Even if you'd be hard pressed to bring home some moral judgment of blame for them, on a particular person's head.

But then, that's why I say "actively evil parents." Parents who act to prevent their child from being vaccinated against serious contagion do act to increase evils, to increase actual outbreaks, including fatal ones. I'm not saying they are evil, in some silly moral sense! I only say they are actively evil.

Functionally evil, might be another way to put it. It's not a moral judgment, more a dispassionate statement of facts and impacts.